HomeIndian Constitution at Work - 11 - NCERT
Indian Constitution at Work - 11 - NCERT

Indian Constitution at Work - 11 - NCERT

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Product Description

Publisher – National Council of Education Research And Training

Subject - Political Science

Author Name – NCERT

Language – English     

Binding – Paperback

ISBN – 8174505504

Book Code - 11102

Country of Origin – India

Generic Name – Book  

The "Indian Constitution at Work" textbook explores topics related to the Constitution of India, the historical background of its making, its salient features, and the principles on which it is based. It delves into the functioning of the three branches of the Indian government - the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary. Additionally, the book may cover topics like federalism, democracy, electoral politics, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Since NCERT updates its curriculum and textbooks from time to time, there might have been updates or changes to the content or editions of the "Indian Constitution at Work" textbook. For the latest and most accurate information, I recommend referring to the official NCERT website or contacting authorized book distributors in India. They will be able to provide you with the current details about the availability and content of the "Indian Constitution at Work" textbook for Class 11.

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